- Reshapes your body
- Restores flexibility
- Tones, strengthens, & lengthens your muscles
- Strengthens your spine
- Improves circulation
- Reduces risk of sports injury
- Achieves relief from pain
- Reduces weight by balancing your metabolism
- Raises energy level
- Diminishes the effects of stress
- Increases balance, coordination & focus
- Clears your mind
At first the heated room may seem intimidating, but after a few classes you will realize that you never want to exercise in any other environment. Classes are open to everyone regardless of your age or fitness level.
Yoga can be practiced daily unlike other forms of exercise where you should rest in between workouts. Sometimes daily life gets in the way of a consistent practice. We recommend that you practice yoga a minimum of 10 times per month. However, if you have set certain goals to lose weight, reduce stress or heal injury, then more classes yield better results.

Our Infrared heaters produce heat that is similar to the heat produced by the sun. The infrared rays emitted are easily absorbed by the items in a room, which gently increases the temperature of their surroundings. As cool surfaces heat up, infrared heaters raise the ambient temperature of the room creating a penetrating heat and mildly warm air thus creating unprecedented health benefits. These benefits include:
Stimulates collagen cell production - The penetrating heat of infrared heaters increases cellular function which can help to avoid or reduce cellulite. It reduces the appearance of crow's feet, fine lines, and wrinkles. In addition to helping heal scars, wounds, and cuts, it also smoothes your skin's texture, lessens coarseness, and reduces pore size.
Greater flexibility – muscle tissues stretched in heat retain their elongation longer than muscle tissues stretched without heat. Stretching of tissue in the presence of heat is especially valuable in working with ligaments, joint capsules, tendons, fasciae, and synovium that have become scarred, thickened, or contracted.
Decrease in joint stiffness - Infrared heat penetrates the body to a deeper level than normal heat, allowing the joints and connective tissues to relax and gain greater mobility.
Relief during muscle spasms - Muscle spasms have long been observed to be reduced through the use of heat.
Pain relief – Heat has been shown to reduce pain sensation and may even lead to endorphin production.
Increase in blood flow – Heating muscles produces an increased blood flow level similar to that seen during exercise. Temperature elevation also produces an increased blood flow and dilation directly in capillaries, arterioles, and venules, probably through direct action on their smooth muscles.
Inflammation reduction - Increased circulation provides the transport needed to help evacuate edema, which can help inflammation, decrease pain, and help speed healing.
Cardiovascular conditioning - Due to the deep penetration of infrared rays, there is a deep heating effect in the muscle tissue and internal organs. The body responds to this heat with an increase in both heart volume and rate. Beneficial heart stress leads to a sought-after cardiovascular training and conditioning effect.
Weight Loss – By heating the body, you increase the number of calories burned during peak performance. While running three miles might burn 300-600 calories; an hour and a half hot yoga session can burn almost double.
Helps eliminate toxins from the body – By its direct heating effects on the tissues, infrared heat mobilizes toxins from fat cells and increases circulation; thus aiding in elimination of toxins.